Psychology Term Paper Topics that Capture Reader’s Attention

Psychology is a study of mental health, behavior and human psyche. Selecting a suitable topic for psychology term paper may be a daunting task. When you skim through resources to pick a topic, you will have a memorable ride into the different aspects of the human psyche and know why some people behave in a certain way by studying their circumstantial position.

A peak in the psychology of human beings can be equally exciting when you observe some of their peculiar habits and indulge in tracking their decision making process. There are many inspirational ideas of finding psychology term paper topics, which will interest the readers.

To begin with, some of the topics can be explored in the following areas of research and analysis:

  • Writing on a public figure/ historical persona: You can choose an interesting person who has a significant role in shaping the history and write on them by focusing on their life, professional pursuits, theories and influences on psychology.
  • Prepare a case study on an individual: You can do this by means of performing an in-depth analysis of the individual by assessing the person in relation to psychological theories to unravel the layers of his/her personality.
  • Make a review on a book/ relevant literature: You can prepare a critique on published journal or book or a specific theory by psychologist and evaluate its significance, shortcoming, credibility, association to human life and existence, etc.
  • Child psychology: You may even present a paper on child psychology by relating it to their cognitive development, personality development, social development, etc.
  • Mother- Child psychology: You may choose to write on your mother’s influence in your life by relating it to the relevant psychological theories and studying the mother-child relationship.
  • Psycho-killers: You may present a psychology term paper on psycho killers who kill people without any reason, just to satisfy their ego and feel stronger. You can relate this study to clinical psychology and developmental psychology of an individual.
  • Depression: You can address the issues of depression, stress, social anxiety disorders, etc. in your term paper by studying its cause and effect on an individual.
  • Schizophrenia: You can write a term paper on schizophrenia in young men and women and throw light on the disorder by revealing its symptoms, behavioral effects and cause of the disorder, statistics on people suffering with such mental disorders, etc.
  • Special Children: You can study the mental development of special children and means to nurture them in the community.
  • Environmental influence: You can analyze the influence of environment in the personality development of the individual. There was a study, which related unclean environments to high crime rates in the locality.