How to write a high school research paper properly

High school research papers may include different sections that highlight details behind the main argument or overall purpose of the paper. The project helps students learn more about their subject matter through comprehensive research, critical thinking, and cohesive writing skills. Writing a paper of this nature can be an easy process when you review necessary parts of a research paper, and plan your time wisely to finish the content in a timely manner. The following points provide a brief overview on how to get started writing your essay.

  • Choose your topic. This may start off being a broad process that will end with you narrowing down your options. You may need to come up with research questions related to your potential idea to help you narrow down your final option. You can research potential ideas and seek sample topics to help you develop your own.
  • Make a list of research materials you will need. This will help you develop your reference list or bibliography if you are required to complete one. You can make notecards to help you keep track of sources utilized. You will also need to decide if you have enough sources for your topic.
  • Create your thesis statement. This is the main idea behind your topic or subject matter. This is an argument or general statement your research will work to prove. This can be altered or changed later on as you do your research.
  • Start your research. Use note cards to help you write your facts and data you collect.
  • Make an outline. Some students may do this before they conduct research. This will help you organize your findings before you start writing your paper. The outline breaks up your paper into smaller sections so you can focus on them better. Your supporting details will be included and you may have talking points stated within your outline you want to be sure to include in your final draft.
  • If you are required to do so you may need to input citations and cite work used. You may have a page designated for this action or you may be required to follow a certain formatting style.
  • Write your rough draft using the information you have. This will include putting ideas and thoughts in order using note cards and your outline.
  • Revise, proofread, and edit. Polish your paper and check for errors.