Where to Go to Find Term Paper Examples: Instructions for Students

When writing a term paper there are two major aspects to consider:

  1. Finding a good idea for your paper. You may have been given a list of ideas by your tutor, or have looked online t see if you can find some inspiration that may fit with your interests and ideas.
  2. Getting the pitch of you paper so as its ‘just right’. to get some ideas of how of the pitch of a good term paper and to look at other qualities that made a good term paper you need to look at a variety of papers that differ by topic and content.

Instructions to find term paper examples.

  1. Ask your tutor. Your tutor may be able to show you some examples of term papers. You will particularly looking for papers that give an example of poor, good and excellent. By looking that way that other students have treated a particular topic may offer you some ideas and motivation.
  2. Ask the Librarian. Your School of College Librarian may be able to find and show you some examples of term papers, or they may be able to direct you to other reliable sources.
  3. The Internet. There is a vast selection of different web-sites that you can access that can provide you with term paper examples – but, there are a few instructions that you need to bear in mind.
    • There are several websites that specialize in suggesting topics for term papers. These websites will either give you access to term paper examples or they will sign post you to websites that have examples.
    • Be specific with the key words you use when using your search. If you change the order of the words you use you may not get the same web sites each time.
    • When you access a website that gives examples make sure that you access term papers that are written about subjects that are familiar to you and the examples are of different qualities (poor, average, excellent).
  4. Don’t. Don’t be tempted to use one of the examples and submit it as your own work. Not only is the work you hand in checked for plagiarism, the chances are that you tutor will very quickly pick out that it is not your work.
  5. Read the examples. Read the examples and make some brief notes. Be a tutor. Pick out what makes the poor paper ‘poor’ and the excellent paper ‘excellent’. Is it the way the ideas flow, sentence construction, topic? Make sure that you build on the good qualities and avoid bad practices.